Autocallable Certificates

UOB Kay Hian, in collaboration with Societe Generale and SGX, are proud to bring you a new investment product – Autocallable Certificates.

UOB Kay Hian has a long history of providing Structured Products to Accredited Investors. We are thrilled to be able to extend our expertise to SIP Qualified investors now!

Autocallable Certificates are a new category of third-party issued financial instruments that offer benefits such as yield enhancements and growth payoffs. While new in Asia, it has an established presence and is commonly traded in Europe. The product will pay out distributions on fixed observation dates if the price of the underlying asset does not fall below the distribution barrier.

Speak to our Trading Representatives to hear how Autocallable Certificates or other Structured Products* can enhance your portfolio.

*Clients who are interested to invest in autocallable certificates need to be SIP qualified or has an Accredited Investor Status.

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